Here are some useful materials you can download.
The Lords Model Prayer Guide (pdf)
DownloadPrayer FACTS (pdf)
DownloadLive with Power (pdf)
Downloadplan of salvation (jpg)
Download7-7-24, The Problem is Not God, Isaiah 59.1-8 (docx)
Download7-14-24, To God Be the Glory, Eph 3.20-21 (docx)
Download7-21-24, A Worthy Walk, Eph 4.1-3 (docx)
Download7-28-24, Seven Unities, Eph 4.4-7 (docx)
Download8-4-24, How To Have a New-Birth-Day, John 3.1-18 (docx)
Download8-11-24, Gifted by Grace, Eph 4.7-8 (docx)
Download8-18-24, Given to the Church, Eph 4.11-12 (docx)
Download8-25-24, Being a Healthy Body, Eph 4.12-16 (docx)
Download9-1-24, Don't LIve Lost, Eph 4,17-9 (docx)
Download9-8-24, Brand New Man, Eph 4.20-24 (docx)